NCC - 86105
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Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2013 @ 1:08pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne

OK everyone, I know that our last two posts were considerably shorter than we usually put out, but we have now moved past "Klingons on the Starboard Bow" and onto "Remnant Part I"!

I've already put out a captain's log as the first post of the mission, so feel free to get started on your posts if you haven't already, and get some character development in. By this time, the entire crew will know of Lieutenant Biggs' death, so that's a ready and open theme that you can use to write from your character's point of view.

We've been having some troubles with the emails going out again, which I am doing my best to see resolved, but until I can confirm that they are, please make sure to check the site regularly for any tags and/or new posts and for any news items that I put out. Anything critically important I will make sure to send it to you all personally from one of my other email addresses.


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Category: Sim Announcement
