NCC - 86105
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Captain on Leave

Posted on Thu Jul 15th, 2010 @ 4:10pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne


My internet situation has changed a bit suddenly, and so my access will be sporadic for an unknown amount of time - I'll only be able to get on in internet cafes and such, until I can get my home internet sorted. I'll be able to see when people update JPs and post things and such, and thanks to the Nova site, I can actually read the content of posts and PMs too. Anything you need me to get to, send me a PM.

XO is in command until I'm back up fully - hopefully I'll try and get online regularly to prod you all, but until then please, please PLEASE just start JPs with each other, and start JPs with the station staff. They're all friendly, and they won't bite. We're here to interact, so let's make the most of it.

I'll try and get a little mini-plot I spoke with the XO about started up soon via internet cafe, and when I'm back fully, we'll move onto our next mission, which after discussions with the XO, isn't going to be exactly as advertised with mission 2 on the site - that mission is being pushed back to a later date.

Be good kids, and see you soon!

Capt. Byrne


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Category: Out of Character
Tags: LOA, leave, captain, internet, posting
