NCC - 86105
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New Mission

Posted on Sun Aug 22nd, 2010 @ 12:11pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne

OK guys, here's the deal; we're going to continue with the JPs on the Starbase website, and I'll leave the shoreleave mission open on this site so that we can copy them across. Those of you who I've specifically asked to do JPs regarding the station or shoreleave, I still expect you to get them done; you've had about a month now, since we've been docked. Let's get to it.

I'm going to be starting up the new mission to run semi-simultaneously to the shoreleave stuff. It'll take place IC after we leave, but of course we'll be continuing posting in both until we're done on the station.

I'll be putting the mission details up shortly, and the opening post will shortly follow. Let's get back to posting, guys.


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