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February's Promotions and Awards

Posted on Sun Feb 27th, 2011 @ 11:54pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne


Another month has come to an end, and I believe that we did well enough this month to warrant some recognition for those who have helped get the sim back up to activity. We've gone from a static 6 (inactive) crewmembers, to 8 crewmembers, 7 of which can be counted as active right now. This month we've managed to go from 0 posts to 28 posts, which works out at roughly 3.5 average per crewmember. Let's keep that momentum going now, and do even better next month.

Now, on to the promotions and awards.

Promotions this month, we've got two that I'm going to hand out. First of all, I want to pull up Chief Narayn Ballard. Our Chief of the Boat has been a constant help to me throughout the running of the sim, and has been one of the most consistent posters as well. With LCdr Edroski being taken off the manifest as well, that leaves us with an empy First Officer spot. Chief Ballard will be becoming Lieutenant Commander Ballard, our new First Officer. Obviously, it's a fairly big change to go from enlisted to a Lt. Commander, so we'll be dealing with that in story shortly after the conclusion of this mission.

The second promotion is going to our other consistent poster, and someone who's been consistently bringing in new ideas to the posts I've been doing with her. So Ensign Nessa Jenarian will at the end of the mission be becoming Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian! Again, we'll deal with the promotion IC shortly.

Congratulations to you both!

Now, let's move on to the awards. I've not really given many of these out since they were implemented, but I'm going to be doing my best to make sure that I keep it up every month from now on. So, let's go through the recipients;

Captain's Merit Award: Awarded to players a Captain feels is worthy; those who show exceptional performance in their duties, and those of their characters.
The Captain's Merit this month will be going to Lt. Commander Ballard!

Purple Heart: This award is given when a character is wounded in a battle.
Lt. Jenarian will be receiving a Purple Heart this month!

Newcomer's Award: For a new player who made an impact in their first month of service.
This month's Newcomer is Ens. Mykel Owen, who has impressed me the most this month out of our new crew members!

The following Longevity awards will also be given out:
1 Year: Capt. Byrne, Lt. Ogino, LtJG Jenarian
9 Months: Lt. Commander Ballard
6 Months: Lt. Vanders

Congratulations on all who have received recognition today. For those of you who haven't; well, most of you are fairly new to the sim, so don't worry too much about that. Anyone who didn't receive anything this month, just make sure to put in 100% next month, and make sure you get something next time round!

Capt. Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer


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Category: Promotions & Awards


Comments (1)

by Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian on Sun Mar 6th, 2011 @ 10:09pm

Ah well, seeing how there haven't yet been any congrats...

Congrats, Chief.... errr, I mean, Sir! ;)