NCC - 86105
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Moving Forward

Posted on Fri May 27th, 2011 @ 1:43am by Captain Benjamin Byrne

Ok guys, I'm going to be starting the next mission JP shortly, with us arriving in the Nevarran Cluster, and heading towards the homeworld. Feel free to continue on with the side posts and character building we've had in the works lately - hopefully we'll have those various posts finished up and posted for everyone else to see shortly :) (Ideally before the end of the month, so that I can include them in my report, and hopefully nominate one or two of them for Post of the Month :P)

Also, you may notice we have a new rankset installed on the site. It is one of the new batch of sets made by the fantastic Kuro of It is a much larger size than the previous sets, but as a result is much more detailed. It is also the new standard size that all of Kuro's future sets will be - which means that if for whatever reason we need to show other ranks on the manifest too (Klingon ranks? Tholian, even? Or past ranks?), then they'll all match up size and style-wise :)

Good RP'ing, folks!

Capt Byrne


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