NCC - 86105
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Two Departures

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2013 @ 5:49pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne


Unfortunately we have lost two crew members today due to time availability - Lieutenant Biggs and Souda in Security and Science, respectively. It's always sad to see players leave, but alas we all know that Real Life can catch up with us from time to time.

Mr. Biggs has given me permission to NPC his character if needed to see the mission out, and so I'll use him in brief spurts where necessary to move along the plot planet-side before we write him out of the story entirely. Biggs' main character will be deactivated, but I'll create an NPC to link to my account for the purposes of posting.

If any of you know of anyone who might like to join us to replace these two in their positions, then please feel free to get them to get in touch and we'll see what we can do to get them involved.


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