NCC - 86105
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Forging Ahead

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2013 @ 12:36am by Captain Benjamin Byrne

Alright everyone, our last few series of posts went out a little out of order, but no matter; the important thing is that we are posting :). I can see that there are a number of JPs currently in the works on the site, so make sure you're getting to your tags on those and not letting them stagnate.

I'm going to be modifying the mission notes slightly to take in some new ideas from Ethan, the originator of the idea behind this mission, but for now it is essentially the same; character development posts leading up until the point that we receive a distress call. I'll be starting that distress call post in the next couple of days, but in the meantime I would like you to do your best to get some posts or logs out. Post about anything whilst aboard the ship - reactions to Biggs' death, day-to-day duties, etc.

If you want a JP with Ben, or any of my NPCs, then I'm all up for it, so please feel free to hit me up for one. Also, I'll be seeing if there are any posts that I can think of to start with you as well - so if we get one going both ways, then that's double the bang for our buck.


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