NCC - 86105
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Posted on Thu Jul 25th, 2013 @ 11:26am by Captain Benjamin Byrne

Hey everyone

I just wanted to apologise for my rather sudden disappearance over the past couple of weeks. It wasn't intentional, but work has become really hectic of late, and it's also been simply too hot to be able to sit for long in front of a computer unless you have a fan pointed directly at you.

I'm hoping now that we have at least a brief respite from the heat that when I'm off work I can put some time in to seriously getting back to writing, so I hope that we can move the sim forwards again and start heading towards our big Borg confrontation. Hopefully today I'll be able to put out some tags, posts and JPs and get us kick-started again.

If there's anything specific you want to talk to me about, or something in particular that you are excited about us getting to as soon as possible, just send me a PM, and I'll see if we can make it happen.


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Category: Out of Character
