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Sim Update

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2013 @ 4:04pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne

OK guys, here is a quick update on where we are at as a sim:

First off, as you all know progress has been slow here lately. Unfortunately whatever I can do to try and correct that gets hampered when players don't respond or log in to the site for some time - those of you who this applies to will have received a private message from myself, so I won't mention it any more here other than to let everyone else know it is being dealt with.

Next up; the away team post has now been completed and sent out, as you all should have seen. We currently have the attack and evac post as well as the meeting post to get our teeth stuck in to. I'm going to be pushing the plot along in these posts now to try and get them through as quickly as we can, so I do apologise if the tagging opportunities aren't there that normally would be. If you see a point in any of the upcoming posts where you feel you can fit an extra tag or two in, please feel free to do so.

After these two posts, we have two more; the boarding party on to the Borg cube (during which post myself and Ethan will be assimilated), and the ship's retreat. After that we will move on to part 2 - which I have similarly planned out, and should be made up primarily of 7 main plot posts. As you guys probably know, planning out missions down to the number of main posts and what is happening in all of them from start to end isn't normally my thing, but I want to try and hurry along our change over to the USS Highlander.

On to the subject of the Highlander:

I've been spending time working on the site that we will be moving to, and it is coming along nicely. We've got the beginnings of a brand new skin ready to go on it, and the site also includes a OOC forum which we'll be able to use to discuss things between ourselves, hold the crew's choice votes, and a myriad of other things.

Once Remnant Part 2 is concluded, I will be extracting the necessary bits from our database here (characters, user accounts, missions and posts, etc) and transplanting them into the Highlander site, so all of your bios and user login details should remain identical to how they are here (the Endeavour site will be kept online as an archive anyway, because I'm sentimental like that).

I'm also planning to start up/re-start some regular practices on the Highlander site, to try and improve our activity and get everyone who joins excited to participate again. Awards will be run on a much more regular basis than they are now, and I'm also going to be sending out a news item with a weekly update for everyone to keep you all in the loop as to how the sim is progressing. I'm also going to try and add something new to the site on at least a monthly basis, whether it is a new award, a new skin, or a new database item or link.

Since we have quite a bit to look forward to, I suggest that we start posting so we can get there asap :)


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Category: Sim Announcement
