NCC - 86105
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Moving On

Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2010 @ 1:04am by Captain Benjamin Byrne

Alright, things have been going slowly for a while now, and it's taken a lot to get some of you responding to JPs and posting... but we've finally got a few posts out, and so I'll move on with the next bit of the mission. You'll all see a bunch of JPs in your Control Panels shortly; I want you all to be logging in regularly and responding to them, or else this'll take forever, like the last set of posts I asked you for did. Let's not let each other down here, guys.

Remember, I will be holding you all to the posting standards set out in the sim rules. If you don't know what the minimum is, go look.

B. Byrne


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Category: Sim Announcement
