NCC - 86105
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New Mission!

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2011 @ 7:58pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne

As you will no doubt of guessed after reading through the influx of emails that have just been deposited in your inboxes, we have moved on to a new mission! Yay!

Here's the current setting; we're at Starbase 427, where we have just dropped off our emergency support team from the last mission, and are gearing up to head back out again. Most of our important systems are back up and running (with a few glitches), but there are going to be minor systems that are still being worked on, and some rooms which still need finishing up (such as my ready room).

On MD03, we'll be heading out at warp to rendezvous with our diplomats for this mission, before heading on to the Nevarra cluster. You can read all about the mission on the relevant page, under the Sim heading in the top menu. I think it will turn out to be quite a culturally interesting mission ;) Any questions on any of it, or on the Nevarrans, don't hesitate to ask me.

Now, I'd like to see a post from everyone doing a bit of non-mission-related character development by next Sunday, please. So far almost all of our posts have been mission-related, which means that we're not really developing the characters we play very well, so I'd like to resolve that. Don't worry, I too will be posting out a few character development posts myself, so I'm not going to make you do it without doing it myself ;)

Let's get posting!


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Category: Sim Announcement
