NCC - 86105
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Captain on Leave

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2011 @ 12:12am by Captain Benjamin Byrne


I'll be going on leave tomorrow for the first of this year's set of family holidays, this one to Malta, followed by a brief trip to Hungary for the Grand Prix there. In total, I'll be out for about 2 weeks, and will be back around the 2nd or 3rd of August. Lt. Commander Ballard is in charge whilst I'm away, and I can assure you all that you are in very capable hands. Please make sure to show him as much of your time, effort and activity as you can, and offer him any assistance with the sim where he asks for it, as he does have other responsibilities to his other sims as well, including one of his own.

He will be running the Dinner Finery JP for the next few days, and NPCing me in it. I hope that you will all find the time over the next day or two to get online and contribute to it. I know that state functions and such aren't always the easiest things to RP, but we need to get this post out of the way.

However, since until that post is done the sim seems to have effectively stalled, I want you all at the same time to start working on the posts that take place after that. Get some interaction going between you guys on the ship, and more importantly get out there exploring the culture and history of the Nevarrans, as well as the stellar phenomena in their unusual little star cluster. You all have free reign to take shuttles or transporter trips to anywhere you feel your character would wish to go to do this bit of exploring, and please don't just limit it to one trip. If there are any questions about the Nevarrans that the XO can't answer or decide a reasonable answer for, then he can email me and I will try my best to check the emails whenever I can - though it may take a few days for me to get it and get a response out. Do your best to help us get our posting figures up by the time I get back please; I'd love to have to sit and read for a full day to catch up.

Take care guys, and I'll see you in a couple of weeks.


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