NCC - 86105

Petty Officer 2nd Class Janus Antigone

Name Janus Virgil Antigone

Position Quartermaster

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class


  • 1 News Items

Last Post

Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 6:44am

Biographical Information

Homeworld Earth
Species Human/Ferengi
Gender Male
Birth Year 2366
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 110 lbs
Eye Colour Brown
Physical Description A little taller than the average Ferengi. Slim and fit. Dark-skinned, with a human-looking nose and While he is not traditionally attractive, he has an easygoing smile and a lightness of feature that make him personable. He is a blend in attributes of Human and Ferengi. While short in stature, Jan makes up for it in large personality.

Family Data

Spouse None
Children None
Father Tobias Antigone
Mother Elega

Personality Profile

General Overview Janus is a young upstart fresh out of his first posting from the Academy. He prefers to go by Jan. Janus is knowledgeable on Human custom and his personality reflects his upbringing on Earth.

Perhaps most noticeable of his traits would simply be that he is unlike the majority of those in the Federation to date. He is a Ferengi at heart. Capitalism, individuality, and property are at his core of beliefs. Unlike many Ferengi, Janus sees the value in the Federation in that it assimilates societies and cultures to an appropriate standard of living. This puts him at odds with many Ferengi who believe the Federation is an outright mistake. (It also puts him at odds with the Federation, who tend to dislike being viewed in such a manner.)

Janus is much more liberal than most Ferengi, as he has the unique perspective of believing in freedom and choice. At the same time he also believes that a person's first duty should be to their allegiance. He merges both belief sets to create something of a unique perspective, believing the best way to achieve freedom is through profit, voluntary work ethic, and service to one's cause. Janus believes in the value of selfishness, and profit motivation. He firmly believes that without profit, labor is meaningless. Somewhat overly political and literal, Janus is easily goaded into lengthy debates on the subject, which he brings a fresh enthusiasm to. (Some find this tiresome.)

Never quite accepted by the Federation or on Ferenginar, Janus has been accused of it all. Janus is content to live life on the outskirts. For some he has been a portal into a better understanding of the Ferengi mindset, using several human adages from the past in his studies of economics. Grand Nagus Rom and his sweeping reforms have helped with this on the Ferengi side, but the older generation are still wary to accept a half-breed Ferengi raised by humans that believes in such things as equal opportunity.
Strengths & Weaknesses Brilliant economist and mathematician. Janus has numbers built into his heart. He can rival a Vulcan at mathematical application, but he focuses on economy instead of science. Janus is a very good operations officer for this reason. He always knows where his resources are and how to best allocate them. He can strike a deal with anyone. He is passionate and enthusiastic, and a good diplomat. Great work ethic, good leadership skills. Good business acumen. Impervious to most telepathic contact. Hyperactive, literal, overly analytical and political, opinions easily roused. Janus is a hothead and this gets him into trouble. He likes "stirring the pot". He is obsessive-compulsive. He is heavily sarcastic. He despises emotional manipulation and refuses to take responsibility for anyone other than himself. He will not acknowledge emotional appeals, and overly emotional people make him uncomfortable. He will only do things that benefit him. He despises ignorance. Janus can be arrogant, and most think of him as "backwards" in belief before getting to know him. Deep down he hides insecurity from his past.
Ambitions Success, of course! Like any Ferengi, Janus wants to acquire a good amount of wealth and use this to achieve his ends of gaining power. He has the unique perspective of human influence, and wishes to bring more to awareness on the value of economics in Ferengi and human culture. Janus believes that Ferengi and Federation values can be merged to create something entirely new and beneficial to both.
Hobbies & Interests Janus enjoys reading. He has a large volume of books that cater to his vast array of interests. He also likes doing business, earning profit, studying economics and debating. Janus is a thrill-seeker and enjoys the holodeck simulator. Janus is also an "experimental cook": he loves making and eating new things, and new experiences in general. He is always 'on-call', and ready to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. While Janus believes in the value of selfishness, he genuinely has a helpful disposition and can be found volunteering around the ship in various menial tasks. Janus has a fascination with guns and weaponry of various sorts, and owns a vast collection of them. Back on Earth, he has a shed devoted purely to antique Earth weaponry. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and woodworking.
Languages Federation Standard, Ferenginar

Personal Relationships


Tobias Antigone: As a Human, Tobias was seen as contradictory when he married his wife Elega. Compassionate, benevolent and tolerant, Tobias didn't seem the type to do so. Most view him as a pushover, and believe wild stories about how Elega tricked him into marriage so she could escape to Earth. Fortunately, Janus knows better. They have a stable relationship, comprised of mutual respect. Tobias is one of Janus's most influential role models, and lended him his sense of fairness and steadiness. Tobias provided Janus with most of his "human" side, one prone to charity, and simply "smelling the roses".

Elega: A Ferengi and shrewd to the core, Elega made sure to raise Janus with the morals she had been instilled with as a child. However, her and Janus clash more because they are so much alike, and equally as hotheaded. Frequently they are prone to shouting matches and arguments, because neither will back down. Elega made a good teacher, though Janus and her differ immensely on social views, up to and including the institution of the Federation. Elega has resented Janus ever since he joined, as it is contradictory to her entire belief system.

Lieutenant Kanir: Vulcan economics instructor at Starfleet, and the first to notice Janus's abilities. This likely was due to the fact that Janus was one of the few Ferengi to apply economic concepts beyond a simplistic earn profit and step on everyone else in the process mentality. Kanir took Janus "under his wing" so to speak, and showed mild impression at Janus's ability to wield logic. In turn, Janus views Kanir as the first person outside of his sphere to take an interest in him, and to recognize him beyond stereotypes. Kanir was the one to make the recommendation for Janus to go to Ferenginar.

Aida Laewerin: One of Janus's earliest friends at Starfleet, a Deltan cadet in the engineering track program. Their friendship is one of mutual antagonism, and both have found one another to be of the few that can keep up.
Friendships So far, Janus has not associated with any of the crew beyond professional interaction.

Personal History

Personal History Janus is the offspring of a Ferengi and a Human. He was raised on Earth in San Francisco. His mother instilled into him at a young age the importance of profit and what it means with regards to labor. At the same time, his father imparted onto him a measure of compassion and leniency.

As a result, Janus grew up outside the typical realm of a Human or a Ferengi. During his childhood, Janus was introduced by his peers to believing that the Ferengi way of life was dismal and oppressive. In fact, it was commonly the most insulting thing to call someone a Ferengi. Janus sought to be different.

Yet, he could never shed his Ferengi lineage. Always before one met him and knew him, he was judged as selfish and dishonest. On his tenth birthday, a classmate jokingly gave him the Rules of Acquisition. When Janus's ignorance showed, he was laughed at. A bad Ferengi, and a bad Human too.

As he grew older, he began to question his classmates and teachers on their concepts of economics. Always one to go against the grind, at first Janus readily discarded his parents as being hicks and backwards, clearly missing out on reality.

But by the time he reached highschool, Janus had became interested in ancient political Earth literature. He formally adopted a capitalistic viewpoint, and began defending it vigorously, going in the complete opposite direction. He began being seen as purely Ferengi, and not the product of two cultures.
Education Highschool, University, Starfleet.

Pre-Starfleet Career (If applicable) Janus began appearing on debate panels, writing columns for newspapers, and submitting thesis papers to his professors on the value of economics to society. He outlined clear economic practices in the Federation, and even conducted studies. This earned him a few intellectual accolades. Along with his intellectual pursuits, Janus also built his own business from scratch in the city with the help of his parents. Fond of woodworking, guns and crafts, Janus began selling models and sculptures to prepare funds for university in case he didn't make it into Starfleet.
Starfleet Academy By the time he was 18, Janus was accepted to Starfleet Academy in their top intergalactic economics program. (And with a sum of cash aside.) Janus entered the enlisted Starfleet program, but the details of his education at Starfleet were such that he entered the four-year economics program. This also made sure that Janus would be able to rise in rank beyond the enlisted system.

While Janus rarely had friends, his reputation began to precede him in the Academy. This meant people started treating him with more respect and recognized that he was their intellectual equal. It was the first time Janus felt he had peers, and not enemies. The vast diversity of the Academy campus and the cultural differences allowed Janus to be exposed to people who could appreciate his viewpoints. It also exposed him to people who were directly opposed.

Janus was considered a rising star in the Operations department. He knew that he could never be successful unless he was competent. Unless he could prove himself worthy. Unless he could be so good, that people would have to listen to him. Over the course of four years he learned basic science and engineering applications, as well as the ins and outs of starship materials. Janus knew one thing, in order to make his mark in the universe, he had to be out there. Serving on a starship was his destiny. (Though, his mother did not approve of such concepts as destiny and fate.)
Early Career Janus graduated at twenty two years old. His focus on schooling was so intense that he created a distance between himself and his classmates, and so still had no friends. This was fine with him, as at twenty-two, Crewman Antigone was stationed on Ferenginar as the first Federation economist to sit in on the Great Marketplace Council. He received a promotion to PO3 following his ability to plan and negotiated several economic agreements with the Ferengi.
USS Endeavour Finally, after securing a continuing Federation presence on Ferenginar, Janus got his wish and he was assigned to his first starship. The USS Endeavour. Starfleet desired to use his talents in Operations and assigned him as the Quartermaster. This would put him in charge of the Endeavor's resources and equipment, and would have him essentially in charge of how these resources were distributed amongst personnel. As well, he was promoted to PO2. He was the cog in the machine. It was a different assignment than what he was used to, but he jumped into it headfirst as always.


Janus worked for a San Francisco newspaper in high school. He also started his own business and appeared on several radio and talk shows to debate with others. He completed 4 years of Starfleet training at Starfleet's Economics department and then moved to Ferenginar as the first Federation economist to sit on the Market Council. He is now assigned to the USS Endeavour.

Medical History No significant medical history; However, at the age of 14 Janus was diagnosed with dysthymia by his school counselor due to the bullying he had endured. He had a predisposition for it from his father's side of the family. It is still ongoing and managed, with the help of medication and of teaching himself how to break free of cognitive distortions. Now, Janus seems mostly chipper and confident in his understanding of the universe.
Medication Norotrex, anti-depressant. Histherin, anti-histimine.
Allergies Most Earth insects make his allergies flare up.
Family Medical History There is a history of depression, alcoholism, and schizophrenia on his father's side. This blended over to Janus a little in the form of dysthymia.