NCC - 86105

Commodore Jovi Varela

Name Jovi Varela

Position Pegasus Fleet Staff Officer

Rank Commodore


  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Apr 23rd, 2011 @ 11:33pm

Biographical Information

Species Human
Gender Female
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 132
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour Brown
Physical Description Jovi is a slender woman yet with some muscle tone to indicate that she does take part in some sort of physical exercise or sports. She had dark brown hair that falls straight to about shoulder length and medium brown eyes.

Family Data

Spouse Carson Varela
Father Richard Desala (I)
Mother Neena Desala (nee Milone)
Brother(s) Richard (II)
Sister(s) Nian, Adria

Personality Profile

General Overview Jovi is a quiet and reserved individual who is very happy in a peaceful living environment. Her strong internal sense of duty leads her to present a serious air about her which pushes through her motivation to complete her tasks. She tends to be extremely organized and methodical in her approach which generally makes her succees in any endeavor that she undertakes. Miss Varela is extremely dependable on following through things which she has promised. For this reason, she often gets more work offered to her and has received much recognition from her peers. She is never comfortable with breaking rules, but can sometimes be found bending them if it is in the best interests of the situation and parties. Her offbeat sense of humor can be a lot of fun, especially in the company of family and colleagues. Because of Jovi's honesty and integrity, she is found to be a good friend and many often confides in her.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Organized and Methodical
+ Caring and Honest
+ Dependable and Hardworking

- Tunnel vision
- Too serious
- Compulsive
Ambitions Jovi's greatest ambition is to see her students push through their goals and succeed in life.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, Jogging, Camping, Volunteering, Dinner with friends
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan, Bajoran, limited Klingon

Personal Relationships

Personal History
