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Wiki Stuff!

Posted on Sat Sep 1st, 2012 @ 9:06pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne


I've been doing a bit of work on our site's in-built wiki today. First of all, you'll notice that the 'Rules' section has been properly expanded; it might not be the same as the 'Rules' page we originally had on the old SMS system, but hopefully it covers all of the right things. I've also tidied up some of the pages on a few of the other pages that were already on the wiki.

There are also some new pages I've added - amongst them, Ship-Board Diagnostics Levels (under Sim Reference) and both Spectral and Nebula Classifications pages (under Stellar Cartography) - feel free to go and check them out, as well as the other bits on the wiki! It's a really good resource (if we use it properly), so I'd like to encourage all of you to do just that.

Over the next day or so, I'll also be updating the Ship Tour as well (which hasn't actually been touched since the transition from SMS, so it's in need of some fixing at least), so keep your eyes on that too.


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Category: Website Update
