NCC - 86105
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Character Swap

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 12:37pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne


This isn't really a new player announcement, though it is a new character one, so I've gone ahead and stuck it into our 'Welcomes' category for sim news :)

Nienke, the player behind my loyal servant -ahem - yeoman PO Sophie Blaise has swapped her main character for that of Doctor Rose Cooper, our new Chief Medical Officer, in order to be more readily able to get involved in our storylines directly. We'll play it as the doctor came aboard at Cestus III, but just hasn't been mentioned in the story yet, which will make introducing her to the role simpler.

The PO Blaise character will remain with us, but has been switched to being a PNPC - so don't expect to see writing from this character disappear entirely :)


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Category: Welcomes
