NCC - 86105
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Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 2:31pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne


Following on from my recent news item, I thought it worth reminding everyone that you are all free to make use of the NPC system built into Nova. I've decided that in order to help encourage this I'm going to set some simple expectations for the use of it.

You may create generic NPCs in your departments as you see fit; all I ask is that you aren't overly excessive with them, and try to make them NPCs that will at least get a few mentions regularly - by you or by others.

You may also create linked NPCs, or PNPCs for regular usage by you. These can be in any department, not just your own, and I have only two requirements:

These NPCs should have at the very least a basic personality profile and (if not human especially) a physical description. I'm not too bothered about the character's history, but the personality is an important one for playing them consistently, and the physical description is helpful for those in JPs with the character. Take a look at a few of mine for examples.

Secondly, you need to let me know whenever you create one (and if creating one in another's department, it's always a good sign to check with them first). This is so that I can get it properly marked as belonging to you, and also get it linked to your account, so that you can post from that character without having to add your own primary character to the post as well.

Linked NPCs should be created with the intention of using them relatively often - they have no posting requirements attached to them, but if they're created and then never used again, I'll end up asking you if you're going to keep them. They're great tools for keeping yourself writing and portraying life on the ship when your primary character is otherwise indisposed, and so hopefully it'll help us keep posts coming out while we're waiting on mission posts, especially when those mission posts mean that it's not easy to post with our main characters outside of the main mission events.


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Category: Sim Announcement
