NCC - 86105
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Manifest Tweaking

Posted on Fri Apr 13th, 2012 @ 12:10am by Captain Benjamin Byrne


You should see next time you go to our manifest that there's a second one there as well now, linked at the top of the page (just above the list of characters). This I'll be fleshing out a bit more in the coming days with a number of NPCs just to give us an idea of who is about on the station at present and in what roles; as I've said previously, some of you will be on the station for the entirety of this mission, whilst some of us will only be aboard for portions of it, so this will hopefully give us a diverse environment to play around with.

Any of the characters and NPCs that are there at present are the ones that are currently listed on the Endeavour's manifest as well (some of you may notice you've been doubled up into the same position on the station; don't worry if you have or haven't, it doesn't actually mean much :P), so make sure to ask me or the owner of the NPC (mostly me) before using them (or in the case of some of the PNPC ones, just add it to a JP), but any that I add that just go on the station manifest - feel free to use at will.

Just have a quick check before using any of them whether or not I've put any personality notes in their bio page, as a guideline of how to play them. I'll do that with a few key characters, but the others it'll just be something to flesh the station out a bit.


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