NCC - 86105
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Moving Ahead

Posted on Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 11:49pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne

OK all, I've sent out a personal log describing the events of our last mission, and have put up the first post of our next one. You can have a read of the mission brief on the missions page, but it is essentially summed up in my post; we're to keep the conflict between the Klingons an the Gorn from escalating past a few isolated skirmishes and endangering the Federation.

I'd like each of you to make the most of the opportunity whilst we're in orbit of Cestus III, and feel free also to do backposts into our time travelling - I'll work out the exact amount of time tomorrow, but it'll most likely be in the order of months.

To our newer crewmembers; please get in touch with me and let me know whether you'd like to come aboard before we reach Cestus, or whilst we're here; it's all up to you now, as we can work with either.


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