NCC - 86105
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A new home

Posted on Fri Aug 24th, 2012 @ 1:23am by Lieutenant Mattias Zekkstrom
Edited on on Fri Aug 24th, 2012 @ 1:23am

Mission: Klingons on the Starboard Bow
Location: USS Endeavour - Transporter Room 1
Timeline: MD01 1045hrs

Matti took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He loathed transporters; and never got used to the tingly sensation of the beam. A shuttlecraft transit would have suited him far better. A duffel was slung from his right shoulder, carrying only what was essential. Matti straightened his duty uniform and rank pips. Once he had reoriented himself after a split second, he walked off the pad and resumed perusing of his padd.

Big bold lettering on the bulkhead spelled out USS Endeavour, Sovereign class. Matti definitely needed a fresh new start; and what ship he was onboard now was inconsequential - anything but the Kingfisher. There were too many memories, too much baggage. Matti glanced at the engineer at the transporter controls; who duly smiled at him. Matti couldn't be bothered; and without so much as offering a return gesture, waltzed out of the transporter room in his traditional nonchalant fashion. His time was better spent performing tactical diagnostics and system checks; as well as settling his luggage in.

Mattias called up a map of the ship on his padd, with a dot marking out his quarters. One deck up. He walked slowly but surely towards the turbolift; calm, nonchalant, but reflective. He didn't have much to say. He was on a new ship; and he knew no one. Or that was how he felt. Nor did he feel any need to change that at the moment. Most essential was him doing his job at tactical, not making friends. Friends were secondary to any duties he might have.

Stepping in the turbolift, he saw the pretty redhead ensign, donning the teal of science and medical, who smiled a warm welcome to him. Without missing a beat, Matti called out a simple "Four" to thin air, by way of commanding the turbolift. Companionship would prove nothing but trouble, and distraction. The emotions would dull him. The pain and hurt of losing Angela proved as much.

He stopped at a door. It read 3C on the plaque next to it. His quarters. The room was empty. The rooming was luxurious; putting even the Kingfisher, a Galaxy class vessel, to shame.

Matti threw his duffel bag onto the table next to the couch. A room all to himself, a quiet room. Not bad. He set his padd down on the small table next to the couch, and laid his duffel bag on the floor next to it.

He had no personal articles that he brought along with him. Nothing to place on the tables; not even a hint of a photograph. Anything that even remotely reminded him of Angela had been thrown out. Only one item remained - a small locket; one which he had given to Angela at her last birthday. Matti sat down on the couch, and reached into his duffel.

"Lock doors." Matti commanded. He didn't need anyone stepping in on him at this moment. As Matti withdrew his hand, in it was a small metal object. The locket. It opened to a photograph of the two of them together - smiling, happy. Angela had worn it up to her last minute. He walked over slowly to his new bed, and reaching for the bedside table drawer, dropped it carefully into the drawer, before sliding it back shut.

Still in his moody, reflective state, he walked over to the mirror in the room, and gazed at himself. He straightened down his uniform, and redid his collar rank pips, before taking in a very deep breath, and exhaling all of it - almost violently - at once. And just like that, he walked over to the table and picked his padd back up, and headed back the way he came in.

"Door." he commanded, and the doors unlocked in time for them to slide open to allow his exit. Matti exited, and reversed direction from the way he reached his quarters, and Mattias Pauli Zekkstrom headed quickly towards the turbolift again in his dutiful brisk stride.


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