NCC - 86105


Name Description
USS Endeavour, NCC-86105 Summary for the USS Endeavour NCC-86105, Sovereign-class Starship
Bouchard, NCC-86105/A Summary for the Bouchard, Mark-II Captain's Yacht
Argo, NCC-86105/B Summary for the Argo
de Windt, NCC-86105/01 Summary for the de Windt, Type-8 shuttlecraft
Baffin, NCC-86105/02 Summary for the Baffin, Type-8 shuttlecraft
Cavendish, NCC-86105/03 Summary for the Cavendish, Type-9 shuttlecraft
Everest, NCC-86105/04 Summary for the Everest, Type-9 shuttlecraft
Hovell, NCC-86105/05 Summary for the Hovell, Type-9 shuttlecraft
de la Roché, NCC-86105/06 Summary for the de la Roché, Type-9 shuttlecraft
Drake, NCC-86105/07 Summary for the Drake, Type-11 shuttlecraft
Strzelecki, NCC-86105/08 Summary for the Strzelecki, Type-11 shuttlecraft
USS Vancouver, NCC-80934 Summary for the USS Vancouver, Delta Flyer-class Runabout
USS Shackleton, NCC-73946 Summary for the USS Shackleton, Danube-class Runabout