NCC - 86105
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First Steps

Posted on Wed Apr 11th, 2012 @ 10:32pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne

Mission: Deep Space 19
Location: Deep Space 19 - Conference Lounge (Converted)
Timeline: MD21 2100hrs

The small voice in Benjamin's ear fell quiet just a few moments before the door at the opposite end of the room opened, the sound made by the alien doors just slightly noticeable after having spent most of his life aboard Federation vessels. It was then that the room took on an orange hue, as the viewscreen had hours ago, though thankfully the engineers had installed a filtering system somehow into the forcefields to prevent the glow from being overly strong.

Benjamin did a short, curt bow to their leader as he (she, or even it for all Benjamin could recall) approached the opposite end of the table, followed by four other Tholians. Each wore little more than their natural carapace; a sash-like belt was the only other adornment, each uniformly worn and carrying basic tools; the Tholian equivalent of a hand phaser, and what appeared to be some sort of computer device; perhaps analogous to a tricorder. It was rare that anyone from the Federation was able to see a Tholian in the flesh (so to speak), and Benjamin made a mental note to observe as many details as he could to enter into his Captain's log.

"Greetings," he started, his diplomatic skills coming to the forefront as he forcibly shoved what would for humans be good manners aside, knowing from the files that Tholians appreciated directness. "I am Captain Benjamin Byrne, Commander of the Federation Starship Endeavour. This is Commander Jaieh Andorzai, my second-in-command, and Petty Officer Sophie Blaise, my administrative assistant." He was unsure how good of a translation - if any - the Universal Translator would provide for the term 'yeoman', and so decided to simplify Sophie's title. "We appreciate you allowing this meeting to discuss this situation with us."

"I am Metkonne, commander of this Task Unit." There was only a slight delay between Metkonne beginning his speech and the translator redubbing it. "Have you made your decision? Will you withdraw from this facility, or do you wish to renegotiate the treaty between our peoples?" Metkonne clearly wasn't interested in introducing his other companions.

"I am afraid we cannot withdraw, Commander Metkonne," Byrne replied, putting in all the effort he had to ensure that the statement remained as neutral as possible.

"Be precise," the Tholian responded. "Do you wish to renegotiate the treaty?"

Benjamin paused for a moment. He knew that they should have a fully-fledged Ambassador or Admiral with the authority to do what would be required to hash out the kind of favourable change to the treaty that Starfleet would want. He also knew that such a discussion should go on for months, at another location. However, he could tell from the Tholian's demeanour - or at least, he thought he could - that he would not wait any longer, or go elsewhere to negotiated. It was either renegotiate the treaty now, or face a conflict with the Tholian Assembly. "Yes," he said at length.

"Which treaty sections do you wish to renegotiate?" Metkonne responded, barely waiting a heartbeat.

This is going to be a long day... the captain thought to himself.

Captain Benjamin J. Byrne
Federation Commander


Commander Metkonne (PNPC)
Tholian Commander


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