NCC - 86105
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Early Goodbyes

Posted on Sun Jun 20th, 2010 @ 3:16pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Admiral Roman Sanchez [PNPC]

Mission: Metronian Diplomacy
Location: USS Endeavour - Transporter Room
Timeline: MD31 - 1048hrs
Tags: promotion, orders, rendevouz, transport

The Endeavour had dropped out of warp for a rendezvous with the New Orleans-class starship USS Jefferson upon the Admiral's request, and Benjamin had been summoned to the transporter room upon the two ships coming within range of each other. Sanchez had handled all of the communications between the two ships beyond the sharing of course data by the flight control officers, and so Ben had no idea what the Admiral was springing on them now. Hopefully it wasn't going to be anything that pitted his crew into another difficult situation; they had had enough of that over the last month already, and Ben wasn't in a rush to put them all back through it. As Benjamin entered the transporter room with his mind still full of questions, he took note of the people present within - the Admiral, who had been seen more in the 'Reef in the days since leaving Metron space that on the way there, the transporter chief behind his console, and the Admiral's small array of aide staff, who had all kept to themselves during the mission - Ben was ashamed to say he had actually completely forgotten that they were aboard.

"Commander," Sanchez said upon seeing him step through the accessway. "There has been a change of plans. The Jefferson shall be taking myself and my staff back to Cestus III, and Captain Maddison shall be relieving you of the responsibility shortly."

Ben was instantly relieved at not having to shoulder the responsibility of the Admiral's transport anymore, but was also instinctively suspicious. A change of orders from a milk run such as transferring the Admiral back to fleet HQ was usually a sign of more troublesome orders to follow. "Should I trust that this frees us up for you to issue us different orders, Sir?" he asked, trying to phrase the question as politely as he could.

"Yes, though they aren't the type of orders you are likely fearing," the Italian-American man smiled. "We have a Starbase on the frontier which has just been assigned a new commanding officer and shall be receiving them soon," he held up his hand to ward off anything from Byrne. "Don't worry Commander, it isn't you. The Endeavour is still newly yours, and we don't have many captains experienced enough to be given the responsibility of a Sovereign-class ship to just throw the current commands of them away. Commander Alexander Gunning will be in command of Starbase 332, as soon as he and the Jackal arrive. I have heard they may have run into a few... delays, however, and so I am ordering you to the Archa system. Your objectives will be to provide any assistance Commander Gunning may require of you for the conclusion of his service aboard the Jackal, and for the transition period for his new command. The Archanis sector is right near the edge of Federation explored territory, Commander, and a Sovereign class starship will help deter any... unwanted guests who may want to take advantage of an outpost with a newly-seated commander."

Benjamin took a few silent moments to process this information. "Do we have any reason to suspect anyone may want to take advantage of the station?" he asked.

"No," the Admiral responded. "But we have invested a lot of time and money into three-three-two, Commander. We want to make sure that she gets off to a smooth start. In truth, Starfleet is putting its neck on the line in giving the station to such a green commander." Benjamin noticed that Sanchez didn't mention who had chosen the station's CO, which meant it was either Sanchez himself or, more likely, a member of his fleet staff. The Admiral had always been said to envelope his staff in a protective shield, often taking the brunt of any reparations that came of an action a member of his staff had performed.

Benjamin nodded. He understood the Admiral's reasoning for sending the Endeavour to 332, but he got the feeling that he wasn't being given the whole picture. "Are there any other matters concerning our redirection to Archanis?"

"Starbase 332 is a large station, Commander," Sanchez said by way of an answer. "Grant your crew some shoreleave there. The station will also likely be receiving a lot of ships very quickly; though it is on the edge of the frontier, the fleet is pushing to make it an active and busy hub for starships of all kind. I understand that you are short-staffed after our last mission, and Archanis might be the ideal location for you to recruit some new crew."

Benjamin nodded, thankful that the Admiral seemed to have thought of Ben's desires for his crew to have some time off. His mind also went to dwell on the small number who had either died or were still in care in sickbay from the illness the other galaxy left them with - thankfully, Doctor Ogino had managed to cure the remainder of the crew, now that the radiation present in that region of space was no longer present - and the few officers who had requested reassignment, or had been transferred. His staff was short a first officer, helmsman, engineer and tactical officer; all positions he would need to fill soon.

"There is one more thing," the Admiral said after a pause. Benjamin looked at his curiously for a few moments, and noticed the Admiral's smile subtly change. To what, he couldn't tell, though it looked closer to a smirk. "You have served for a long time as a commanding officer, Byrne. The Hendrix, the New York, and now the Endeavour. Not many Commanders have had that many commands and remained as Commanders." He paused again, seemingly trying to study Benjamin's reaction. Then though, he and his staff abruptly moved onto the transporter pad, leaving Benjamin even more confused.

"I've left you something on the console," the Admiral said, nodding his head towards the transporter control circuits. "Energise, Chief." Within moments, the Admiral and his entourage had vanished from view, rematerialising a short distance away on the Jefferson's transporter pads. Benjamin turned curiously towards the transporter chief, who was now standing with his hands clasped behind his back. It was then he noticed the black case resting atop the console, and he stepped up to retrieve it. Within was a smaller, case and a PADD. Benjamin read:

The Commanding Officer of Starfleet's Eleventh Fleet, on behalf of the United Federation of Planets has by executive authority on this day appointed the commissioned officer named as Benjamin James Byrne of Earth to the rank of Captain.

He is so required to continue, maintain and develop upon his steadfast service, and outstanding performance and to abide by and fulfil his Constitutional Expectations. We henceforth require and expect Officers and Personnel of lesser rank and/or status to defer unto him obedience as is intended and expected of an officer of his rank and status.

Given under my hand on this day of June, 2386.

Roman Sanchez, Vice Adiral
Commanding Officer
Starfleet's 11th Fleet

Opening the smaller case, Benjamin by now knew what it contained, but still couldn't hold back the feeling of surprise as he saw the full, golden pip that rested within. The fourth pip that he had sought since gaining his commission in Starfleet. The fourth pip that signified the rank of Captain, and his entry into a club of elite Starfleet officers.

"Congratulations, Captain," the transporter chief said, a slight smirk appearing on his face despite himself.

Captain Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer
USS Endeavour NCC-86105


Vice Admiral Roman Sanchez (PNPC)
Commanding Officer
Eleventh (Pegasus) Fleet


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