NCC - 86105
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Fond Farewell

Posted on Sun Nov 13th, 2011 @ 11:58pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Markus Rubens [PNPC] & Lieutenant JG Zam Stott [Byrne] & Captain Alan MonRoe [PNPC]

Mission: Old Relics
Location: USS Endeavour, Bridge || Federation Space, North of Beta Renner
Timeline: MD01 2009hrs

As Benjamin walked out of his ready room, holding back the physical signs of tiredness after having gone through so many crew transfer forms and seeing so many of the new officers in his ready room, Stott, the ever-present assistant operations officer, instantly perked up with a message for him. "Captain Byrne, we have a signal coming in from the Antarctic."

Benjamin silently reminded himself that Stott was always looking for some way to prove to Byrne that he was ready to advance to a department head role, and took any opportunity he could to report anything to him. His overall attitude though - especially when concerning XO Ballard, who Byrne had raised from the ranks to the first officer position aboard - was severely hampering his chances at progression. Putting that thought aside, Benjamin altered direction, and headed for the centre of the bridge. "Put them on-screen," he ordered.

The face of Captain MonRoe filled the viewscreen, seated as Byrne most often remembered him; in the central chair on the expansive and circular Galaxy-class bridge. There were many fond memories of sitting in the chair to the man's right, but those were long past now. "Captain," his counterpart on the Antarctic began. "Commander Blessed informs me that the last of your crew transfers have beamed over to the Endeavour now."

Byrne nodded. "Affirmative. All new transfers are aboard and accounted for. Thanks for giving them a lift."

"Well, we wouldn't want Starfleet to give you cause for detour now, would we?" MonRoe remarked, his voice carrying the subtle hints of sarcasm. "We're ready to make our own way now, Benjamin. Is there anything else you need from us before we go?"

"No, we're all squared away here Captain, thanks," Byrne responded. "It was good of you to drop by. Hopefully Starfleet will give you that exploratory cruise you're after sooner rather than later."

"Yes, well let's hope that the Tholians stay quietly on their side of the border to accommodate that. Look after yourself, Endeavour. Antarctic out."

As the viewscreen snapped back to a view from the Endeavour's external cameras, Benjamin watched the taller and bulkier Galaxy-class starship bank away from his own ship and move off at impulse, before finally speeding off with a flash of light in the direction of the Tholian border at warp.

"Orders, Captain?"

Benjamin glanced down at the Lieutenant at helm. He'd come aboard at Starbase 218, as a relief officer for Lieutenant Owen. He was still there because Byrne hadn't yet been able to find a suitable replacement for the departed helm officer, and apparently neither had Starfleet. "Plot a course for the Federation border, and engage at Warp Five. Once we get there, plot in the pre-determined patrol route loaded into the computer core. Stott, make sure we're ready to begin running regular sensor sweeps, and report anything of interest to science."

"Aye sir." The chorus between the two men was almost perfectly in unison as the Captain moved towards the edge of the bridge, and the turbolift that would take him down to the mess hall to grab a quick bite to eat.

Captain Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer
USS Endeavour

Captain Alan MonRoe
CO, USS Antarctic

Lieutenant JG Zam Stott
Asst. Chief Ops Officer, USS Endeavour

Lieutenant JG Markus Rubens
Acting Chief Helmsman, USS Endeavour


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