NCC - 86105
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A Commander's Check Up

Posted on Fri Nov 13th, 2009 @ 3:57am by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD

Mission: They Arrive on Tuesday...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD05 1500hrs

Benjamin had been putting off the physical most of the day. He really didn't know why - he didn't dislike physicals, and it wasn't exactly like it required much of him. Just sitting on a bio bed and getting scanned. It was just an inconvenience, he decided. An inconvenience, but one which he had to go through so as to set an example for the crew.

And so, it was with that thought in mind that he stepped through the doors of the primary sickbay, searching round for the doctor.

Chihiro was sorting out her medical staff, there were still supplies and things needing to be unpacked. She grabbed one of the metal boxes and lifted it onto a biobed.
"Ensign, lets get these things unpacked ASAP!" she said to a young woman opposite her, she hadn't noticed the commander come in.

"I can come back later if you're too busy," Ben said from behind her, startling her slightly.

Chihiro caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the Commander looked round. "Oh its ok Commander, I need something a little less boring to do" Chihiro told him. "Plus, we can get it done and out of the way" she added with a smile.

Ben offered a small smile at this, before raising his hands slightly in the universal 'I don't know' gesture and looking around the room. "So, where do you want me?"

"On a biobed sir, it shouldn't take long" Chihiro said nicely. She flipped open a medical tricorder so she could scan him and make sure he was all ok.

Ben headed over to the nearest biobed and sat himself on the end of it, waiting patiently for the doctor to get started. He remembered that during his time in command of the Hendrix during the war, the ship's doctor had often been forced to come to Ben's read room or the bridge to perform his physicals. In those days, Ben had always felt that working towards the end of the war was more important than a small physical, and his time could be better spent. Today though, he was content to visit the much-larger sickbay. Afterall, the only work to do at the moment was in getting the ship's crew and supplies onboard - the latter half of which he had started delegating to his first officer.

Chihiro wandered over flipping open her tricorder she began to scan. "Blood pressure is normal, so is your heart rate, brain activity is good, all internal organs working fine" She read off the screen as she scanned.

"Well Commander you seem in prefect health" Chihiro said with a smile.

"That's good to hear," Ben replied. "We can't be setting off with an ill Commander."

"Very true sir, and the rest of the crew seem all healthy too, the ones I have examined" Chihiro said with a smile.

"How are things going So far down here in sickbay then, Doctor?" He asked, making use of the short visit to check up on the CMO's progress of settling in.

"We're almost done unpacking and getting things ready to ship out. Most of the medical staff have also reported in sir" Chihiro explained to him, she was failry happy at how the medical department was turning out.

"Excellent," Benjamin said, as he stood from the edge of the bio bed. "We'll be leaving in just under a week, so I'd like for you to get as much of the initial admin done and out of the way before then that you can, though I expect with a crew this large, you'll need to extend individual physicals over to include after we've left."

"Yes sir, I'll get as many done" She explained with a smile. "Your free to go when you like Commander" Chihiro informed him.

"Thank you, Doctor. Have a good day."

Commander Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer
USS Endeavour NCC-86105


Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino
Chief Medical Officer
USS Endeavour NCC-86105


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