NCC - 86105
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Power Surge on Deck 4 Port Side

Posted on Mon Apr 12th, 2010 @ 2:22pm by Warrant Officer Kai Tsenzori

Mission: Metronian Diplomacy
Location: Deck 4
Timeline: MD 21

Of course the day had been fairly uneventful, for him at least. Everyone else had been kept extremely busy apparently, the chief had been under some scrutiny lately and had decided to pass the buck. That meant everyone was busy but some how he had escaped with just one task.

It was a fairly uneventful task out of the way of anyone else and without anyone bothering him he set to work on what appeared to be a malfunctioning conduit. The conduit itself looked in order but one of the circuits had become fused, it was simply a question of re-routing the power, repairing the conduit and putting in a resistor to prevent the same thing from happening again. This wasn't exactly a regular occurrence but many ships even old ships had teething problems.

Of course it only took him an hour but he was finally done with it and left to take care of any tasks that arose that day.


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