NCC - 86105
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Whipping into Shape

Posted on Mon Jul 5th, 2010 @ 5:37pm by Lieutenant Lianna Vanders

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: Shoreleave Day 7 - 0450hrs

Li entered the Briefing room and looked around. Hopefully most of the crew had received her message to meet in ten minutes. It was 0450 Hours, and she wanted her team in the Briefing Room by 0500. Whoever came in first would earn her favor. The door opened and a young female Ensign entered. Her hair was ragged, but her uniform looked well cared for. Li approached the Ensign and studied her. "Congratulations Ensign, you're now my new Assistant Chief of Security."

Her eyes widened. "Ma'am?"

Li spoke, "I value punctuality Ensign. When you got my message, you didn't keep me waiting. You got your a** here quickly. That's what I need in a Asst. Chief of Security. Therefore, you're now the Assistant Chief of Security."

She spoke, "Th-Thank you Ma'am." Li continued, "Your name and rank please?"

"Sara Li Chang, Ensign, Ma'am." Li nodded, "Good, you follow instructions. You better know how to b*tch real good, because you'll be doing a lot of it as my assistant Chief of Security

Li sat at the head of the table, whoever came in after Ens. Chang would get the next lowest position after her Assistant Chief of Security. As they walked in, one by one, Li gave them their new positions. Some of them looked at her with surprise. Others with sheer anger. She moved to the head of the table by the time another officer entered. This one barely had his uniform on, and he approached. "Ma'am, I'm sorry. I had an...."

Li interrupted him. "Congratulations, you're the new Brig Guard." She said toward the former Asst. Chief of Security.

He looked around, "What?!?!"

Li approached. "I don't give a damn if you forgot to shower, but what I do care about is if that uniform is fully equipped to your being. That and your three minutes late. You're the new Brig Guard because you are a damn embarrassment to this department, and I prefer that you were not seen on the Bridge. So, report to the brig, dismissed."

The man turned and left with a huff. The female officers in the room smiled. Ensign Robert Monroe had always been a pervert, now he got what was coming to him." Li finally spoke. "Now then, if you haven't guessed, I'm the new Chief of Security. Some of you are going to hate me, some of you are going to name your kids after me, and some of you will dream about killing me. Frankly I don't give a damn. What I do give a damn about is that the Captain said that this department was LAX!!!!" She slammed her PADD on the table, that action alone made half the staff jump out of their fatigue. "And that is going to change. Now, we have a long list of procedure to take care of before we leave Starbase. We will make this ship so secure, that the crew of this ship can sleep soundly at night without the uncomfortable lump of a phaser under their pillows. Now then, you should've received a message from me explaining what I want done before 1000 hours today. If any of you are not done with your assignments by 1000 hours, then I will put you on the next shift until it is done. Dismissed."



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