NCC - 86105
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Away Team Departure

Posted on Sat May 12th, 2012 @ 6:17pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Ensign Jack Lynch & Lieutenant Commander Martin Rackham [NPC] & Lieutenant Regana Madrat [NPC] & Lieutenant Lonnoc Keldan [NPC]

Mission: Divisions
Location: Deep Space 19 - Shuttle Launch Bay
Timeline: MD04 0700

As the hatch into the rear compartment of the shuttle slid open, Byrne stepped through into the fore section, taking the room's occupancy up to capacity. "Glad to see you're all eager to get going. Is the shuttle ready to go?"

"Aye Captain," Jack responded as he keyed in the last sequence for system start up, "Just give the word."

"I've managed to download all of the data we have on the planet into the ship's databanks, Captain," Keldan reported. "Much of it is still encrypted, but I've set up one of the stations in the rear compartment to work on it some more en route."

"I have also stocked the Vancouver's storage cabinets with Type II and Type III phasers, as well as a stock of transport enhancers, should we need them." Deep Space 19's resident Markalian security chief had so far proven to be relatively single minded, and Benjamin had yet to see him let his guard down and relax on the station yet.

"And I've got the usual kit. Tricorders, hyposprays and some clotting agents to stop bleeding. I've left Leutient Jerome in charch of the medbay until I get back." Rackham grinned. "But I think he might be slightly distracted."

"Looks like we're all set to go then," the captain said, as he took a seat at the Operations console, aft and to the left of the helm. "It'll take us about two days at warp to reach the planet, so we may as well get underway. Ensign, when you're ready."

The shuttle bay doors slowly began to open as the small shuttle came to life. It slowly lifted off of the surface of the alien flight deck and moved gracefully through the threshold and out into the system. "Course laid in sir," Jack said, once the shuttle reached a safe distance from the station.

"Engage at warp seven, Mister Lynch," Byrne ordered, tapping controls into his own console to initiate the monitoring of the various deflector and sensor systems on the small ship.

Captain Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander Martin Rackham (NPC)
Chief Medical Officer (Played by Lt. Jerome)

Lieutenant Regana Madrat (NPC)
Chief of Station Security

Lieutenant Lonnoc Keldan (NPC)
Chief Science Officer

Ensign Jack Lynch
Chief Flight Control Officer
Deep Space 19


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