NCC - 86105
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Slackers Come Early

Posted on Thu Nov 26th, 2009 @ 5:55pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant JG David Solomon

Mission: They Arrive on Tuesday...
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD07 0927hrs

The bridge seemed to buzz as dozens of bees flocked around the room accessing various panels, running diagnostics, etc. Dave walked over to his station, while it still had no power to was still, to him a welcome sight. He looked to the left and saw the door to the Captain's Ready Room, perhaps it was time to check in. Dave walked over to the door of the Ready room and pressed the buzzer.

"Come," Ben called, as he placed the PADD he was reading down on his desk so that he could greet whoever had come to see him.

The doors parted and Dave walked in, "Lieutenant Junior Grade David Solomon reporting for duty sir." he said at attention.

"Ah, Lieutenant. Welcome," Ben said, recalling instantly the information he had garnered from the man off his service record. "I understand you come highly recommended as both a helmsman and a bridge officer. Your conduct on the Victory was looked upon with high regard by everyone at Starfleet Command."

"Thank you sir, it was a difficult situation, but most of the credit goes to the crew of the Victory sir." Dave responded.

"I trust I can rely on you to show the same dedication to duty whilst you serve on the Endeavour?" Ben said, impressed with the man's modesty.

"Yes sir." Dave said, "And sir, from what I can see, she is a fine ship."

"I'm glad to hear you approve." Ben picked up the PADD infront of him, flicking to David's service record just to refresh his memory. "I see that the Sovereign class is the only starship you've actively served upon as a pilot. I believe that should give us a unique advantage in having a pilot as familiar with performing manoeuvres in this class of starship?" Though it was phrased as a statement, Ben's intonation turned it into a question for the Lieutenant to find an answer to.

"Yes sir, I believe so." Dave said.

Benjamin stayed silent for a few moments as he considered the young man in front of him. His responses so far had been extremely short, despite Ben's attempts to draw something out of him. Settling for either nerves, or just a strict adherence to protocol, Ben mentally ticked the 'approved' box next to the man's name inside his mind, on a mental list of senior officers.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant," he said outloud to the helmsman. "We have yet to receive our departure date from stardock, so I want your department to be made ready for whenever the order comes. I believe the XO already has a few of your shuttle pilots assigned to helping bring supplies onboard, so keep tabs on them. Commander Anderson I'm sure will inform you of when he expects your department reports to be handed in."

"Thank you sir, it is an honor to serve with you and the fine crew of the Endeavour." Dave said, "Yes sir, the Flight Control department will be ready by the time we depart.." Dave stepped a foot closer, "And sir, most of the auxilliary helmsmen, and shuttle pilots have not arrived yet."

"I'd check the manifest again if I were you," Ben said, looking back to some of his work on his desk. "I watched every junior member of the crew come aboard in the three days after I took command, and I can tell you that there weren't any missing names on the manifest."

"I do believe you sir, but some of them did not report for duty this morning.." Dave said. He took a breath, "Perhaps they are unfamiliar with the design of the ship or the duty schedule." he offered.

"In which case, it will be your responsibility to 'crack the whip'," Ben replied, not pleased at having found out that they were already getting slackers. He knew it was expected, without a department head to watch over them during the first week, but it was still disappointing, non-the-less.

"Yes sir." Dave said, "They will be in top order immediately sir."

"Very good," Ben said, diverting his attention now fully back to his work. "Dismissed."

Commander Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer
USS Endeavour NCC-86105


Lieutenant JG David Solomon
Chief Helmsman
USS Endeavour NCC-86105


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