NCC - 86105
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Off We Go Again

Posted on Sat Apr 23rd, 2011 @ 11:32pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Jones & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Lieutenant JG Mykel Owen & Lieutenant JG Dylan Tyler

Mission: Kingdom Come
Location: USS Endeavour - Bridge
Timeline: MD03 1900 hours

Benjamin strolled through the corridors of his ship, heading for the turbolift to the bridge. They were as ready to set off again as they could be, considering the three days allotted them before they had to be leaving again. Repairs were still on-going, and there were crewmen walking all over the ship, carrying equipment and parts and generally creating a bustle that Benjamin felt strangely reassured by. Everyone had a purpose, and the ship felt truly alive. He was smiling as he stepped into the turbolift, and ordered it take him upwards.

Emerging on the bridge, he saw all the senior officers at their stations, ready to make the launch go as smoothly as possible. It was a relatively late hour - well into the Beta shift - but the senior officers were always at their stations during an undocking manoeuvre. It made everyone onboard feel that much safer, and it was regulated by the Starbase itself - they didn't want their paintwork scratched, afterall.

"Status reports," Benjamin said loudly and clearly, as he approached the centre chair that Ballard was just vacating for him.

"The short range sensor array seems to be misaligned a little, Sir," came the voice of the science officer as she looked up from her console to look at the captain before adding, "I have already informed engineering and they assured me that the issue will be solved within an hour at most. Beyond that, all systems appear to be working quite well considering the situation we were in." Her eyes darted back to the console, gripping it a bit more roughly to steady herself as she had felt a bit dizzy since her shift started today. She definitely needed to speak with the captain about her recent discoveries, but it could wait until they were under way.

Ensign Tyler, having been relieved by Lt. Vanders, stood by on the bridge to watch as she made her departure from the space station. This was it, he thought, too late to change your mind now. The ensign listened as the science officer gave her report, Dylan couldn't help but cringe just a bit as the officer seemed pleased that everything was quite well considering. Dylan made a mental note to confirm the work on the short range sensors was completed in the time frame given by engineering. Quite well considering was not good enough to Dylan Tyler and it should not be for anyone else. Dylan quickly brought back his attentive face and waited for Lt. Vanders to either relieve him completely off the bridge or to allow him to take his station back as it was his duty shift.

=A= Sickbay to Bridge. We're all ready down here captain, all the new medical supplies have arrived on time =A= Chihiro's voice and distinct Japanese/English accent came over the comm system.

Concentrating too hard on the console in front of her, Liz failed to hear the Captains call for a status report. It was only when the officer at science reported a fluctuation in sensors that Elizabeth realized what was happening.

"In the interest of time I will give you the short list Captain: Warp Drive is online at 105%, impulse and thrusters are operating at full power, shield's are currently at 91% efficiency, we only have 70% phaser capacity with three arrays currently offline, quantum torpedo turret fully functional, 1 torpedo tube both forward and aft are offline, SIF field is functioning at 98%. Also sir, we are still cleaning some bug modifications out of the engineering decks". Liz tried not to sound like an insensitive wench as she reported.

Mykel listened as the rest of the officers checked in. Waiting until a pause, he chimed in. "All Green Sir."

Ballard flicked through the reports flooding into the console in front of his chair. It was a strange feeling to be sitting in the Executive Officer's chair wearing his red tunic. Suddenly he was advanced beyond officers who, until a few weeks ago, he had been calling sir. It was completely alien to him. "All primary departments report status Green, Captain."

"Alright, good, let's get this show on the way already then," Benjamin replied, taking his seat. He saw no reason to create much pomp or ceremony around this launch; it was hardly the ship's first, nor will it be her last. "Mister Owen, release docking clamps, ready thrusters."

The flood of information to Ballard's console suddenly ceased. It was go time. He raised his head and looked into the viewscreen before a slight burble appeared on his console. "We have departure clearance. Mister Owen, enter departure code Delta-Pi-Four-Nine-Three. Bring thrusters to half power and push us away, nice and easy."

This was the first time Ballard had ordered a ship out of orbit. He had a quick check on his sensor panel. Might as well quadruple check that there weren't any orbital platforms for them to smash into. "Bring thrusters to full power and prepare to engage impulse engines."

"Set a course for the following coordinates," Byrne ordered, tapping a few controls on his armrest to send the rendezvous coordinates to the helm. "Warp eight." He waited, and watched the viewscreen as the ship moved away from the station, and towards the designated safe distance for warp travel. "Engage."

Captain Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander (Provisional) Narayn Ballard
First Officer

Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Jones
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian
Chief Science Officer

Ensign Mykel Owen
Chief Flight Control Officer


Ensign Dylan Tyler
Asst. Chief Tactical & Security Officer


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