NCC - 86105
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Data Digging

Posted on Mon Apr 23rd, 2012 @ 9:23pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Commander Jaeih Andorzai & Lieutenant Lonnoc Keldan [NPC]

Mission: Divisions
Location: Deep Space 19 - Science Lab
Timeline: MD03 1100hrs

Lieutenant Keldan and his team had converted a number of the spaces found throughout the currently secured, powered and safe sections of the station into science labs, approximating the workplaces commonly found on other Alpha Quadrant starbases with numerous workstations and some of the more advanced analysis computers that were able to be transferred from the Endeavour - the ship's replicator simply wasn't capable of the kind of size and complexity required for an entire computer system, and so the science team had to ask the captain to allow them to appropriate what they needed. He mostly let them have what they asked for.

The team Keldan had opted to personally lead - at least this month - was the team dedicated to translating the data files that the engineers had managed to coax from the station's computer cores and into the Federation databanks, allowing the highly sophisticated translation and decryption algorithms to go to work on them. It was one of the central computers running these programs that began to chirp as the Takaran science officer was walking across the room with his fourth cup of Vulcan tea that morning.

"What is it?" he asked, instantly moving over towards the console to take a look for himself. A smile instantly found its way onto his face as his gaze fell upon the data that was scrolling across the screen in front of him. He tapped his combadge with his free hand. "Lieutenant Keldan to Captain Byrne and Commander Andorzai. We've got something down here, sirs. I think you're going to want to see this."

The three officers stood back from the wall of screens that the science officers had set up to display the newly decrypted and translated data, looking at the information scrolling across the surface in front of them.

"It's all about one planet," Benjamin remarked. "Topographical surveys, logs of survey missions to the surface, notes on the local fauna. Was it part of a larger cartographical database?"

"No Captain," Lonnoc responded. "It's got a data cluster all to itself; we've not even gotten to the really juicy stuff in there yet - there's more to come, we think. The rest of the data seems to have a higher classification in encryption, and it's taking us a bit more time to crack it."

"Well, it stands to reason that there's something down there that might give us a clue as to the station's previous inhabitants." Andorzai replied, suddenly realising that the eyes of both the Captain and Lieutenant were boring into his skull. He looked up, regarding the looks of indignation on their faces. "What, too obvious?"

"Just a bit, Commander," Lonnoc said, his expression emphasising the comment.

"Fine, so we've got all this cartographical information on the planet which doesn't seem to have been part of a larger survey or database." He said slowly. "So why did they want it? Was this some kind of mining operation? Were they looking for a new home? If they were trying to hide whatever's in there then it's safe to assume it was important."

"Well, the only way we're going to find that out is to go there and take a look, isn't it?" Benjamin asked, visibly and audibly perking up. "Get the Delta Flyer prepared and put together an away team. I plan to leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"Aye, sir." Andorzai replied, knowing that he would have to locate a Mechanic that could work on the Delta Flyer overnight. No mean feat given the current number of Endeavour personnel who were working on Deep Space 19 full time.

"Lieutenant," the captain said, turning back towards the science officer. "Download all of the data you've got so far on this planet into the Flyer's computers; we can continue to analyse it along the way."

Benjamin then let the full extent of his grin break through onto his face. "Let's hope that we find something that'll give us some sort of clue about this station." He nodded once, indicating that the meeting was over. "Good work, Lieutenant."

Captain Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer

Commander Jaeih Andorzai
First Officer


Lieutenant Lonnoc Keldan
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 19


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