NCC - 86105
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The Test Begins

Posted on Sat Mar 13th, 2010 @ 1:51pm by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Mark Anderson & Lieutenant Lyon Winters & Lieutenant JG David Solomon & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian

Mission: Metronian Diplomacy
Location: USS Endeavour - Unknown Space
Timeline: MD22 1440

As the Commander appeared back on the bridge of the Endeavour, he instantly looked around, surprised by the suddenness of the change, and automatically checked to make sure his surroundings were real. "Report," he said, again almost automatically.

Mark's hands danced across his console, bringing up an internal scan of the Endeavour. The captain's signature actually read as being present, but there was no sign of the admiral. "Admiral Sanchez has not been returned to the ship," he reported, glancing toward the commander, wondering if he might have an explanation.

Dave looked down at the console infront of him, "Sir we are not in Metronian space..." Dave said, looking closer at the console, "And we are not even in our galaxy, the computer is disorientated, and I can't physically chart where we are without some sort of reference..."

Lyon's station started beeping, he looked before speaking up, "Sir, we have a proximity alert, there's two ships off our port and starboard bow. Unknown configuration....they're hailing us sir!"

"On screen," Benjamin said, looking towards the large viewscreen as it split to show both faces. "State your identity!" The command was spoken by both speakers almost simultaneously.

"I'm Commander Benjamin J. Byrne, of the Federation Starship Endeavour Benjamin said, looking at each face in turn.

"Federation?" the one on the right demanded. "I have never heard of such a Federation. Is this another Bornath ally, come to intimidate us?!" The last was directed towards the face on the left of the Endeavour's screen. "It won't work, Bornath. Stay out of our space, or there will be dire consequences." The right half of the screen snapped, allowing the crew to see one of the ships peel off and go to warp, before Benjamin motioned for the screen's other occupant to be enlarged to take up the whole screen.

Despite his own confusion at the situation, Mark addressed the alien commander on the screen. "Our apologies," he said, hoping to appeal to the alien, "It is not our intention to start conflict. Perhaps we could..."

Without a word, the 'Bornath' as he had been called, closed the channel, and his own ship moved off in the opposite direction and headed into warp.

"Can someone give me an explanation for what just happened?" Benjamin said after a moment, turning to the bridge staff.

"Perhaps some sort of subspace corridor?" Dave offered, he heard about them from the academy, and the Victory had encountered one briefly before her destruction.

"Perhaps they have some kind of technology similar to what [i]Voyager[/i] encountered which can move objects extreme distances?" Lyon offered up before adding, "Or it could be that this is all a highly advanced, complex 'holo-program' and we're stuck in it."

"Maybe, but I doubt the Metronians would be as... simple as putting us all in a holodeck program. They did afterall make Captain Kirk fight for his life," Benjamin said, as he began pacing the bridge. "Number one, check the presence of all the crew, just in case, and have Doctor Ogino screen for any photonic beings."

"Whatever happened," Benjamin continued, knowing that they weren't going to get any further by throwing around theories. "We need to know where we are. Lieutenant, Ensign," he said, turning first towards his helm officer, and then towards his science officer."Head down to stellar cartography. Try and find a point of reference, and map out what galaxy we're in, and where we are in it. Mister Winters, track those two ships, and forward your sensor data to cartography. I have a feeling that they're both part of the Metron's plans."

"Yes sir." Dave said, relieving the helm. He walked up to the turbolift and waited for Nessa to follow him.

Looking up at the Captain, Lyon replied, "Aye sir, already tracking them. I'll add as much data as I have to the feed for Stellar Cartography." before he continued working at his station refining the sensors and getting as much detail as he is able.

The young science officer nodded her head, answering in much the same way the lieutenant had before her, "Yes, Sir." She quickly left her console and headed for the elevator, slowly walking in the confining space, clearly a bit too careful not to brush against the man waiting for her. "Cartography," her voice echoed out in the confines of the cabin and the doors slowly slid closed, her head turning a moment to take a quick glance at the officer standing next to her before forcing a mask of serenity over her features and looking forward once more. She could barely contain her excitement at the prospects of exploring an uncharted galaxy and meeting new species, even if they weren't as technologically advanced as the Metron.

"Number One," Benjamin continued, looking towards Mark. "Do you think there's any possibility this constant... translocation by the Metronians could be any danger to the crew or the ship's systems in any way?" They knew nothing about how the Metronians did what they did, and so they had no idea if it adversely effected the health of any species on board, or if constant use of their methods would harm the systems in any way.

Mark pondered the commander's question. He glanced down at his console to observe the latest reports he had been receiving since their sudden arrival at this location and thought for a moment. "I don't see how the translocation in and of itself could have any negative affect on the ship or crew," he said, "though I'm sure that if it was the intent of the Metronians to harm us, they could do so. The only difficulty I foresee is stress or frustration stemming from feeling out of control or toyed with." Mark glanced over at the commander as he finished his response, wondering just what had happened when the commander and the admiral had left the ship. Was there something specific that was concerning Byrne that the man wasn't sharing?

"Hmm, yes," Benjamin said, his voice slightly distant as he thought on what the Metronians had said to him on the planet. "Join me in my ready room," he said after a pause of thought, turning and leading the way through the dark red doors.

Slightly confused, Mark fell into step behind the commander. Something was troubling his superior and it was his duty to find out what that was. Commanding officers may be responsible for the safety and well-being of their ship and crew, but someone had to be responsible for the safety and well-being of the commanding officer.

"There's something you're not telling me," Mark said bluntly as soon as the doors had closed behind him. There was no point in beating around the bush, especially behind closed doors.

"The Metrons said they would be testing us," Benjamin replied, raising a hand to his chin as he paced and thought. "I can't see any way to explain our current situation as anything other than whatever 'test' they had in mind for us."

"It would certainly appear that they have provided a test for us," Mark agreed, "but I thought they were seeking us out this time. Why the need for a test?"

"I don't know," Benjamin said, opening the hand that was holding his chin as he said it, before one again closing it as he leant against one of the walls of his ready room. "They said... that last time they met us - humans, that is - that we had proven to be 'not as barbaric as other species in the region'. The Metron said that they had called us there to 'test our progress'."

"Seems to be a common theme," Mark remarked softly. If the Metrons wanted to test humanity, then Mark would see to it that they gave the best example possible. There was no reason that they should have to prove themselves to every species they encountered, but Mark had long believed that if one lived life to the best of their ability, there shouldn't ever be a reason for anyone to doubt the merits of humanity.

"The question is, what is the test?" Ben continued as he started pacing again. "Find a way home? No, that can't be it. A test of civility... it has to be something to do with the two ships we encountered when the Metrons brought us here."

"I'll see if I can't get Stellar Cartography and Navigation to figure out where we've ended up," Mark suggested, "If we're lucky, we may already have some information on the species of this region. If not...well, we'll just have to take it one step at a time." He could see that the idea of the Metrons' test was still troubling the commander and, to be completely honest, it was troubling to him as well. If the Metrons invited them, why was there a need for a test? Either way, they were here now and he was going to make certain that they presented their best face, not for the Metrons, but for the simple sake of the fact that it was the right thing to do.

Ben simply nodded, turning to his desk to access his terminal there as the Lt. Commander turned and left the ready room.

Commander Benjamin J. Byrne
Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander Mark Anderson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Lyon Winters
Second Officer, Chief Tactical/Security Officer

Lieutenant JG David Solomon
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Nessa Jenarian
Chief Science Officer
USS Endeavour NCC-86105


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