NCC - 86105

Metronian Diplomacy

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

As the Eleventh Fleet is in her birth stages, ships are busy moving around equipment and personnel, and finishing their current assignments or, in most cases even waiting for construction or refit programs to come to an end. During this time of relative administrative turmoil, Pegasus Fleet HQ receives a communique from the government it least expected; the Metron Consortium.

The Metrons weren't specific as to what it was they wanted, but they invited a ship from Starfleet to come into their territory to participate in diplomatic talks. Admiral Sanchez, eager to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, wants to go to the Metrons with best speed - however, the only ships nearby are either small shuttles or scientific surveyors - the nearest ships equipped for a diplomatic mission profile within the region busy on their own assignments to get the new fleet up and running.

Knowing that it had come to the end of its construction phase, Admiral Sanchez contacts the new CO of the USS Endeavour, a Sovereign-class starship perfectly suited to the mission, and with an experienced commander, albeit one without the higher rank of Captain. After ordering the Endeavour to proceed to Cestus III at best speed, the Admiral is forced to wait the three weeks it takes the ship to travel from Earth to the colony on Cestus III, where they are to receive their orders...

Mission Group Season 1
Start Date Sat Nov 28th, 2009 @ 10:50pm
End Date Sun Jun 20th, 2010 @ 10:50pm

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Title Timeline Location
Early Goodbyes
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Admiral Roman Sanchez [PNPC]
MD31 - 1048hrs USS Endeavour - Transporter Room
Bashing Heads
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Ensign Lhamepha Kitonuh [Byrne] & Admiral Roman Sanchez [PNPC]
MD27 1759hrs USS Endeavour - Conference Lounge
Greeting the Delegates
by Captain Benjamin Byrne
MD27 1038hrs USS Endeavour - Transporter Room
Fresh Discoveries
by Ensign Lhamepha Kitonuh [Byrne] & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard & Lieutenant Kinu Au'Beck [PNPC]
MD27 1013hrs USS Endeavour - Sickbay
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard & Lieutenant Kinu Au'Beck [PNPC]
MD27 0939hrs Neutral Space
Illness Abound
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD
MD25 1414hrs USS Endeavour - Sickbay
Family Musings
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Sarah Byrne [PNPC] & Jacob Byrne [PNPC]
MD25 2219hrs USS Endeavour - Commander Byrne's Quarters
Diplomatic Summons
by Captain Benjamin Byrne
MD25 1359hrs USS Endeavour - Bridge
Welcome Aboard...
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD
MD25 1325hrs USS Endeavour, Shuttlebay/Primary Sickbay
First Impressions
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD & Warrant Officer Kai Tsenzori
MD25 1308hrs Edge of Obrinkahn Imperium Space
Check In #3
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard
MD25 0800hrs Delta Flyer (Arktina Territory) & USS Endeavour (En-Route to Obrinkhan Imperium)
Diplomacy Commences? Maybe, Maybe Not.
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard
MD24 - 1607 USS Endeavour - Unknown Galaxy
Interrogation - Phase 1
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski
MD22 1730 Obrinkahn Imperium Craft Pehk'than
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski
MD22 1500 Shuttlecraft Averroes - Unknown Galaxy
by Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard & Captain Benjamin Byrne
MD01 [BACKPOST] 11th Fleet Headquarters / USS Endeavour
Onward, Into the Unknown
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD & Lieutenant JG Aurora Foster & Lieutenant Commander Hannah Edroski & Provisional Lieutenant Commander Narayn Ballard
MD22 1830hrs Observation Lounge
Pesky Photons
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant JG Aurora Foster & Warrant Officer Kai Tsenzori
MD22 1535hrs USS Endeavour - Engineering
Power Surge on Deck 4 Port Side
by Warrant Officer Kai Tsenzori
MD 21 Deck 4
Stray Photons
by Lieutenant Chihiro Ogino MD & Captain Benjamin Byrne
MD22 1512hrs Sickbay
by Lieutenant Lyon Winters
The Test Begins
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Mark Anderson & Lieutenant Lyon Winters & Lieutenant JG David Solomon & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian
MD22 1440 USS Endeavour - Unknown Space
Settling in...
by Lieutenant Lyon Winters
MD09 - Evening Winters' Quarters
A Test of Civility
by Captain Benjamin Byrne
MD22 1425 Planet's Surface
Metronian Greetings
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Commander Mark Anderson & Lieutenant Lyon Winters & Lieutenant JG David Solomon & Lieutenant JG Nessa Jenarian & Warrant Officer Kai Tsenzori
MD22 - 1349hrs USS Endeavour - Bridge
Permission to Come Aboard?
by Captain Benjamin Byrne & Lieutenant Lyon Winters
MD05 2000hrs Various (USS Endeavour + USS Thomas Paine)

Mission Summary

The Metrons make an unusual move and actively contact the colony on Cestus III, and offer an arm of diplomatic friendship. No further details are given, other than a series of coordinates and a stardate. Vice Admiral Sanchez, the commander of the newly-reformed 11th Fleet stationed on Cestus, boards the USS Endeavour and orders the ship to the coordinates, on a tight deadline to make the trip on time.

The Endeavour is left waiting at the specified coordinates for over an hour, with nothing visible within sensor range, before it begin to move forward, not under its own engines, but under the same unidentifiable power that effected the Enterprise over a hundred years prior. The ship is pulled at speeds higher than the vessel's top rated warp velocity, until it is orbiting a blue-green globe, seemingly perfect for humanoid habitation. Immediately upon reaching orbit, a Metron appears on the viewscreen and announces their desire for 'the leaders' - Admiral Sanchez and Commander Byrne to come down to the planet's surface, before removing them there, using the same technique that they used upon Captain Kirk and the Gorn captain during the previous contact incident.

The Metrons inform the two that Byrne and the Endeavour are to take a 'test', before returning the commander to his ship and transporting them to another galaxy, into the middle of a conflict between two races - the Arktina and the Obrinkhan Imperium. The Metrons also transfer a pregnant starfleet officer - Lieutenant Hannah Edroski to the region in a shuttlecraft - who is promptly captured and interrogated by the Obrinkhans. Though the crew manage to retrieve the Lieutenant, instigate a friendly dialogue with the Arktinans and bring the two species together to begin to mediate the dispute, Byrne is forced to use a phaser to stun the Obrinkhan representative to prevent him from killing his Arktinan counterpart, seemingly bringing the test to its conclusion.

Being transported back to Metron space, Byrne is informed that, though he had managed to decipher the nature of the test, his crew had failed to resolve the dispute without violence, and that they had failed the test. Byrne counters that the test itself was barbarian by nature, and Admiral Sanchez turns the Metron's own comments a hundred years ago back on them, announcing that the Federation would not wish ties formed with such a barbaric race, and that they should talk again once the Metrons had become more civilised.